Dynamic log file loading

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Dynamic log file loading

Professional edition only!


A web server regularly generates a new log file to avoid getting too big files and facilitate archiving and cleaning of old log files.

So when you want to analyze the logs of a web site you will most probably just select the folder where all log files are stored.

Then when you load the logs the application will need to decide which log files to load and which log files to don't load.


Before version 4.5 the log limits would make that decision. The limitation was that it was always necessary to load much more log files than what was needed just in case you wanted later extend the time window in your filter.


The version 4.5 introduces the Dynamic log file loading that will load only log files containing rows in the time window configured in the filter. If the time window is extended later, missing log files will be automatically loaded.


This speeds up the load time and also the filter time because the filter will be applied to fewer rows.

This can dramatically speed up the performance when you are interested to analyze only a small time window (e.g. A few days when the folder contains months of logs).


Important! This mode will be activated only if you don’t use the tracking field or the multiple log folders mode. If you want a similar behavior with these settings it is recommended to use the database mode that can already natively load only filtered log rows.